How to Resist the Perfection Infection in Your Marriage & Parenting

The “Perfection Infection” is a phrase I coined years ago when I wrote No More Perfect Moms. Like most women, I had entered into motherhood wanting to be the perfect mom. Little did I know, my pursuit of perfection would set me up for failure. The Perfection Infection...

13 Books for Every Season of Life in Marriage and Parenting

Life is an adventure, isn’t it? (That’s definitely an understatement!) At some point or another, we all need some support through the highs and lows of what the journey of life includes. Sometimes you find yourself in circumstances you never expected. Your...

God is in the Resurrection Business: What That Means For You

“God is in the resurrection business.” This is a phrase Mark and I love to say, and for good reason! Throughout our lives, we have seen God restore relationships between family members, provide healing from addiction and past hurts, and turn lives around completely....

Spring Cleaning for Your Parenting

As warm weather arrives, many of us find a sudden motivation to poke into the dusty corners of our house and freshen up the space. If the sunshine finds you brushing off cobwebs, decluttering, and browsing the throw pillow aisle at Target, here’s something else to...

10 Summer Activities to Do With Your Teen

Is there any better season than summer? It’s one of my favorite times of year because I enjoy gardening and the opportunity to take regular walks outside. Now that I’m an empty-nester, I also love summer because I get to spend extra time with my grandchildren...

Replacing Lies with Truth

What goes on between our ears can cause us more problems than we even realize. There’s a very good reason the Bible tells us to take every thought captive (2 Corinthians 10:5). Too often, we let our thoughts go out of control, fueling a wildfire of fear and anxiety,...

Redefining Your Family Priorities: How to Make the Right Sacrifices

Ask any parent and they will tell you all the things they have sacrificed for their newborn, toddler, child, teen, or young adult. When Mark and I were in the thick of parenting, we often sacrificed our time, energy, finances, and more for our family. We still do at...

A Mama’s Heart: An Open Letter to Moms

Dear mama, Thinking back, I remember the days each of my children joined our family like it was yesterday. The excitement. The fear. The love. The anxiousness. The unknown. I’m sure you do as well. For our biological children, I remember the hospital. I remember...

A Morning Routine for a Connected Marriage | #MarriageMonday

In the past, we have shared about some shifts we have made to our evening routine to feel better connected in our marriage. We thought it’s about time we talk about better connecting in the morning as well! The mornings are such an important part of the day for...

8 Reasons Kids Make Mistakes

Does it ever feel like your child does more wrong than they do right? As a parent, we know our kids aren’t failures. They can fail a quiz here and there, not win a tournament, and not earn a raise during their first job review, but none of that makes them failures....

Teaching Kids Truth: 3 Family Activity Ideas

Whether you are a parent or a grandparent, it’s important to be intentional about teaching children the truths in God’s Word, to begin tucking those truths in their hearts. If you are looking for some activities to use during Spring Break, or just to...

How I Lowered My Cholesterol Naturally By Almost 200 Points

It is possible to live a healthy lifestyle, and I want to share my journey with you today. In 2013, a breast cancer diagnosis turned my world upside down. Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation did a number on my body. So when I got to the other side of my treatment, I...