In the Bible, there’s a story I love in Joshua 3-4.

I encourage you to read those chapters if you’re not familiar with the story, but to make it easy, here’s a short version: For many years, God had been leading the nation of Israel to the Promised Land. After Moses died, Joshua is commissioned as their new leader. As the Israelites come across the Jordan River, God does something incredible: He tells Joshua that He wants to show the people that God is still with them, and He promises to part the waters of the Jordan if they will trust Him by stepping into it. (A lot like when God parted the Red Sea if you’re familiar with that story!) God did exactly that. When they dipped their feet in the water, “the waters coming down from above stood and rose up in a heap very far away…” (Joshua 3:16).

The story doesn’t end there. After they cross the river on dry land, God invites them to remember the miracle He has done. He tells them to gather twelve stones and set them up as a visual reminder of His faithfulness. Why? I love what it says here: “When your children ask their fathers in times to come, ‘What do these stones mean?’ then you shall let your children know, ‘Israel passed over the Jordan on dry ground.’ For the Lord your God dried up the waters of the Jordan for you until you passed over, as the Lord your God did to the Red Sea, which he dried up for us until we passed over, so that all the people of the earth may know that the hand of the Lord is mighty, that you may fear the Lord your God forever” (Joshua 4:21-24).

In our walk with God, I believe remembering is a huge part of the journey. When life is easy, it’s easy to praise God. However, when life is hard, it’s easy to forget His faithfulness throughout our lives.

A lot like the Israelites gathering stones in this story, we can set up a visual reminder of what God has done in our lives. In our home, Mark and I use a God Box to do just that (I shared this on Instagram, too!). Here’s what it looks like:

Our God Box is in our family room and it’s a visual reminder of how God has worked in our lives. It reminds us of the times in our life that He brought us through difficult seasons, or about the times we were praying for a miracle and He came through with that miracle.

We had an antique Coca Cola box inherited from a family member that we hung it on our wall. When we experience a God story, we put a tangible reminder in this box to remind us of that miracle, or of how He carried us through a hard season.

For instance, there was a time when we were praying for an affordable car for our daughter. She kept praying, “Lord, I pray for an affordable or free car. If it could have four doors, that would be great so I can help take my siblings where they need to go. Oh, and I’d love for it to be blue!” Her prayer was quite specific, but she was consistent with that request. After a few weeks, someone came up to us at church and told us they had a car they were planning to sell, but they kept feeling like they needed to give it away instead. They sold it to us for $1. The best part? It had four doors and it was blue. God is so good!

So we got a little toy car and we put it in our God Box to always remember that story.

Or I think of the time that we were praying for bread and milk. I share that full story in this post and in my Real Moms, Real Jesus book. Money was tight and we needed to get really creative to feed our family. The only thing we needed was bread and milk. God came through in the most miraculous way when our neighbor (who did not know the situation we were in) showed up one day with a literal truckload of bread and milk.

So we got a pretend piece of bread and put it in our God Box to always remember that story.

Do you see how it works?

God has been faithful over and over again in our lives and the God Box is a constant reminder to us of His presence and faithfulness. With it being in a central place in our home, we walk by these reminders every single day.

I was recently talking about the importance of remembering God’s faithfulness on a podcast episode with my friend Jennifer Hand, and I want to invite you to do that as well! These reminders help us stay steady in the midst of the ups and downs we navigate in this life.

Whether you create your own God Box, or come up with another creative way to display God’s miracles in your life, make sure you’re remembering His presence and work in your life.

What about you? Do you plan to create a God Box? How do you remember God’s faithfulness? Let us know in the comments!

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