Mark is back with me on the podcast today to help answer a question we hear often: “What makes the difference in people who are able to overcome difficult things?” This could be in regard to marriages that are restored or lives that experience growth and transformation. Are there elements that make transformation more possible?

In our coaching, we’ve seen some couples turn their entire relationship around for the better while others just can’t seem to find common ground to make progress. While some failures can be traced back to one spouse expecting the other to do all the work or an unrepentant heart, we’ve found there are several elements that can drastically improve the likelihood of successfully transforming relationships, personal growth, and life circumstances.

In this episode, we talk about:

  • The common elements of transformation
  • The role surrender has in the process of change
  • The proper place for our emotions
  • And more!

I hope you enjoy our conversation!

Resources mentioned in this episode:

My Key Takeaways:

1) Change is created through the combination of learning and action. These two go hand-in-hand! If you are merely a learner but don’t seek to apply that to your life, you won’t experience transformation. You have to practice learning about your past, how to strengthen your spiritual walk, what areas in your life need healing, and do the hard work of applying what you have learned on a regular basis.

2) Individual growth comes before couple growth. It can be easy to think of all the ways your relationship needs to improve. However, you can’t achieve the 2.0 version of your relationship until you become the 2.0 version of yourself. Before your marriage can be transformed, you have to transform yourself.

3) Put emotions in their proper place. Emotions are an indicator of the areas of our life we need to tend to. Where we run into trouble is when our emotions overwhelm or drive our decision-making. Our emotions are a good, God-given thing, but we need to make sure they are in their proper place.


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