13 Books for Every Season of Life in Marriage and Parenting

Life is an adventure, isn’t it? (That’s definitely an understatement!) At some point or another, we all need some support through the highs and lows of what the journey of life includes. Sometimes you find yourself in circumstances you never expected. Your...

6 Tips for Launching Your Adult Children

As our kids launch into adulthood and start taking control over their own life decisions, it can be tempting to “open the wisdom floodgates” and try to cram for their entrance into the world. We start thinking of all the things we haven’t taught them yet. Are they...

An Empty Nest Mom’s Guide to College Kids Coming Home For Break

We mamas are all about nest-building. Once the stick turned blue or the adoption papers were filed, most of us started getting ready for our new family member. We assemble the nursery, fill dresser drawers, start scrapbooking, and adjust nearly every aspect of our...

Doing Life With Your Adult Kids with Jim Burns | Episode 107

It can be hard to transition from actively parenting your children to doing life alongside them once they become adults. Whether you are quickly approaching this season or are currently in it, I want you to know that you can experience a richer, deeper, more...

Doing Life With Your Adult Kids with Jim Burns | Episode 107

It can be hard to transition from actively parenting your children to doing life alongside them once they become adults. Whether you are quickly approaching this season or are currently in it, I want you to know that you can experience a richer, deeper, more...

Marching Orders for an Empty Nest Mama

Today’s article is an adapted excerpt from Empty Nest, Full Life: Discovering God’s Best for Your Next. Grab your copy here! As we launch into a new season of life, it’s always a good time for us to consider how well we’re doing in stewarding what...

What 27 Moms Say They Wish They Knew Before Their Child Graduated

Graduation season is upon us! You’re probably starting to see pictures across social media of graduation ceremonies and celebrations. I remember when each of my children graduated from high school, and the swirl of emotions I felt. Will they be okay? Did I do a...

Managing Expectations as an Empty Nester

Dear Jill, My son is out of the house and has a long-time girlfriend. Recently I celebrated my birthday and the only acknowledgement I received was a general text from them (they each sent me their own birthday greeting text). I feel like I have done a lot for them...

Grandparenting Teens with Mark Gregston | Episode 59

When my husband and I moved away from our hometown, my parents worried that their relationship with my kids wouldn’t be what they imagined. However, my parents did a fabulous job of staying connected to their grandkids despite the distance. Today we’re going to...

How Do I Stop Being Sad About My Nest Emptying?

Dear Jill, My daughter is heading off to her freshman year of college. There’s no doubt she’s going to do well. However, it’s me who’s a mess. She and I are very close and the loss is tangible for me. I’ve ordered your Empty Nest Full...