Day 7 Winner update

The Christmas spirit is fresh here on this blog! Our Day 7 winner already has the resource she won but instead of choosing another, she’d like to give it to a specific participant in our discussions.  This person, however, did not include her email in her...

25 Days of Giveaways: Day 13

Mark and I have always been on a pretty tight budget for Christmas so we’ve had a “no gift” agreement between the two of us.  We’ve never missed something we’ve never experienced.  There’s been an occasional...

Day 10 Winner

The winner of our Day 10 drawing is Allyson!  Our Day 10 conversation was about our gift giving traditions for our kids.  If you haven’t read everyone’s comments yet, you can do so here.I am finding that I’m affirmed, encouraged, and...

25 Days of Giveaways: Day 12

I love to both send and receive Christmas cards.  I enjoy making the once a year effort to stay in touch with friends and family we think of throughout the year, but just don’t get to touch base with very often.  And I love hearing from the same family...

25 Days of Giveaways: Day 11

One of our favorite things to do as a family is watch holiday movies.  We love some of the older movies like White Christmas and animated shows like Frosty the Snowman.  And then there are newer favorites like Elf and The Santa Clause.What about you? ...

Day 8 Winner

Our Day 8 discussion reminded me of some great Christmas songs I haven’t thought about in a long time.  Thank you to all who shared, twittered, Facebooked, and blogged about your favorite Christmas songs! Our Day 8 winner is Chrissi.  I’ll...

25 Days of Giveaways: Day 10

With five children, Christmas gift giving for our immediate family has always been on a pretty tight budget.  We usually have a set amount that we determine to spend on each person.My friend, Karen Ehman and her husband have always done the “three gifts for...

25 Days of Giveaways: Day 9

I’m not real creative, but I can copy a great idea anytime!  I love seeing homemade creative gifts and I’ve copied quite a few of them over the years!That’s our topic of the day.  What homemade gifts are your favorite to give or...

Day 6 Winner

Wow! The personalizations of “1st Corinthians 13–Christmas style” were so challenging for me.  Thank you to all of you who shared!  If you haven’t read through the comments left, you can do it here.  I promise you will be...

25 Days of Giveaways: Day 8

Today’s Christmas discussion is an easy one: What is your favorite Christmas song?  This brings out the music teacher in me, but I have two favorites: O Holy Night (but it has to be done well!) and anything from Handel’s Messiah (also needs to be...

Day 5 Winner!

I must admit that reading all your wonderful “quick and easy” holiday treats made me so hungry.  And I’ve never had the Oreo Truffles that several of you mentioned.  Those things sound incredible!  I think we’ll have to try those...

25 Days of Giveaways: Day 7

In May of last year, I made a trip with Compassion, International, to El Salvador that changed my life. (If you weren’t hanging around my blog last you, you can find the posts from that trip here.) After seeing poverty in such a real way, I knew I would never be...

Day 4 Winner and Great News

Wow!  I loved hearing about what everyone is going to let go of this Christmas!  If you haven’t read the comments from our Day 4 “Let it go!” discussion, you can do so by clicking here. The Day 4 winner is Devin!  We’ll be...

25 Days of Giveaways: Day 6

Today’s discussion centers around a relevant Christmas version of I Corinthians 13 which is often referred to as the “Love Chapter” in the Bible.  After reading this thought-provoking piece, will you create your own line that you would add to...

Congrats to our Day 3 drawing winner!

Congratulations Chantel!  You are the Day 3 winner of the My Hearts at Home book! It was great fun to read about everyone’s different tree traditions.  I have some new ideas and I hope you do, too!!