Will you pray for our military today?

Our son-in-law Kendall was able to be home for two weeks over the holidays.  We loved having him home and, of course, Erica was in heaven. While Erica went alone to pick up Kendall, she wasn’t looking forward to the 5 hour drive alone after dropping...

You just have to laugh…

I spent Wednesday of this week at my son’s school.  I was a guest speaker for all the 8th grade writing classes.  That morning before he got on the bus he informed me that, because I was speaking in his class, this was the worst day of his life. ...

Living With Less

Today was a snow day for us.  We loved having a “free” day to sleep late and then get some things done. We hadn’t yet taken down our Christmas decorations so today was the perfect day to do that.  When we got it all put away I said the...

Grand Prize Winner!

I loved our December Christmas conversations!  I learned some great new ideas from our discussions and will likely do some Christmas things differently in the future.  Thank you to those of you who shared your ideas and contributed to the...

We have winners!

Ok, I’m finally getting caught up on the final five giveaways for the 25 Days of Giveaways!  I’ve drawn the winners for days 22-26 (yes, there was an extra giveaway!) today.  I’ll draw for the grand prize winner tomorrow from everyone who...

It’s a New Year and a New Look!

Every girl needs a girlfriend who’ll shop with her and tell her the truth when she tries on clothes.  Does this make my rear end look big?  Is it my color?  Should I buy it?  So today I need my online friends to give me that same kind of...

I’m connected back to the internet world!

In order to upgrade our internet speed, they had to shut our internet down for a week.  The first few days were hard…we’re all so used to being connected to the world wide web!  Then we got used to not being behind a computer keyboard…and...

25 Days of Giveaways: Day 26–it’s an extra giveaway!

Isn’t it fun to be surprised?  That’s what today is….it’s a surprise EXTRA giveaway!Every Christmas vacation, I find myself a bit stir-crazy because there’s so much family togetherness.  I love being with my family, but I also...

25 Days of Giveaways: Day 25

It’s Christmas Day.  And no, I’m not posting this Christmas morning.  I pre-posted it a couple of days ago because I wanted to be able to focus on family today.Christmas morning still starts early for us.  It used to be 5 or 6am when the...

25 Days of Giveaways: Day 24

It’s Christmas Eve.  Today we are staying home, wrapping a few more Christmas presents, and enjoying family.  Tonight we will go to our Christmas Eve church service as a family and then we’ll head to the Outback Restaurant for our traditional...

Day 21 Winner

I loved hearing about all of your wonderful Christmas picture ideas!  Three moms sent in their pictures and I want to share them with you because they are so fun and inspiring!The first one is from the Bennett family.  Leann said, “We have...

25 Days of Giveaways: Day 23

I was reading through Christmas story recently and I realized that my favorite part of the story is Mary’s response to the news that she was going to have a baby—even though she was a virgin!It’s caused me to think about how I respond when God wants...

25 Days of Giveaways: Day 22

The holidays get so crazy, that often our marriage relationship gets placed on the backburner.  Mark and I are having to carve out some time for just the two of us.  We’re being intentional about talk-time after the kids are in bed.  We’re...

Day 19 and Day 20 Winners

Did you wonder where I’ve been today?  This would be the first time that I have missed having the discussion of the day and the daily winner posted promptly. Well, we decided to have our internet speed updated at our house and in order to do that...

25 Days of Giveaways: Day 21

When Nancy, who lives in California, responded to my email communicating that she had won the Day 17 drawing, she included her family’s Christmas picture.  I loved the picture and asked her if I could share it with all of you.She said that they are creative...