4 Ways to Add Margin to Your Year

Have you ever considered the white space when you’re reading? Because of the white space on this page, or “margin,” we’re able to read the black words on the page. We don’t often think about the margin, but if it’s missing, and all the words were to jumble...

Santa’s on a Budget: How Less Can Be More for the Holidays

This may sound crazy, but the holiday season doesn’t have to be a time where you spend a lot of money. It’s true! In our book Living With Less So Your Family Has More, Mark and I share how even though our world often tells us the message that “bigger...

The Gift of Enough

It all started with a picture and comment my friend and coworker, Connie, put on Facebook. I like my little Living With Less So Your Family Has More car, but honestly I get razzed about it all the time.  “What CEO drives a 23 year old car?” I’ve been...

Living With Less: The Reality of Disappointment

Last week I had to face one of the discouraging realities of living with less…disappointment. Three weeks ago, my daughter invited me to take advantage of a promotion at the gym where she has a membership.  They were offering two weeks of free admission to the...

Living With Less: Affordable College Education

As Mark and I state in the first few sentences of our “College: Higher Education at Lower Cost” chapter in Living With Less So Your Family Has More book…”If you want to know one Savage parenting regret, just ask us about our experience leading...

Living With Less: Decrease Spending When You Increase Contentment

Yesterday’s conversation about needs and wants was so good!  My blog posts are also posted on my Facebook page and there’s always a second conversation going on over at Facebook for each post. I thought two suggestions were worth mentioning here today....

Living With Less: Do I Need It or Want It?

Just like most everyone else, I love a good sale. And right now those after-Christmas sales lure us like a siren call.  But I’ve learned the hard way that is doesn’t really matter how good the sale is, I still have to ask this question, “Do I need it...