In just a matter of hours over 4,500 moms will descend upon Bloomington-Normal, IL. They will come from 31 states and represent almost 13,000 children! My husband swears that by the time they leave on Saturday night there won’t be one ounce of chocolate left in...
Decorating on a Shoe String BudgetBy Jill SavageA friend and I spent one Friday wadding up Saran Wrap, dipping it in paint, and painting a faux finish on the walls in my stairway and hallway. The finish is beautiful and it cost me just $15 for the plastic wrap and the...
Here are some other great mom blogs that are participating in the March blog tour for Real Moms…Real Jesus. Most of these have the same basic information but some are doing giveaways for the book!While you’re there take a look at some of their other posts....
“God has promised to help us, and God always keeps His promises.”~Julie Ann Barnhill
Tonight launches our very first Hearts at Home University live webcast! Mark and I will be teaching our popular “Love For A Lifetime” workshop right from our own living room. We have over 800 signed up to join in on the fun! If you want to join us, you can...
Teaching your children about AuthorityBy Jill Savage”Erica, Mrs. Jones is in charge during Sunday School. I expect you to respect and obey her.””Anne, Sarah is the boss while we are gone. I expect you to listen to her as your...
It’s March 1 and that launches an online blog tour for my new book, Real Moms…Real Jesus! I’m excited about this for several reasons:1) I believe in this book because any mom who has a friendship with Jesus is better equipped to be the mom she wants...
“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: ” ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it:...
On Thursday I had one of the nicest birthday’s I remember having in a long time. There was nothing particularly spectacular about the day…rather it was filled with some of the simple things in life. When Mark asked me what I wanted to do for my birthday,...
“Worry doesn’t empty tomorrow of its sorrows. It empties today of its strength.”~Corrie Ten Boom