My husband and I are as different as night and day! He loves coffee. I can’t stand the stuff. He’s and early riser, I’m a night owl. He loves spicy foods…it’s mild for me. He processes externally—talking and talking and talking...
It’s amazing what traditions are important to our kids. My youngest has been sick for the past three days. He’s had some sort of virus–a headache was his biggest complaint. His face was flushed and he obviously didn’t feel well.”Mom, will...
Today is the day that I get to randomly pick two names from the posts you have all submitted on how you take care of yourself in the midst of taking care of your family. If you haven’t had a chance to read thru the 50 posts on the March 8 blog (below), do so...
One of the best ways to take care of yourself is to attend a Hearts at Home conference! And this past weekend over 5300 moms did just that! Wow! What an incredible weekend! There’s about 24 hours left on the March contest for posting a tip on how you take care...
Wow! I’m so encouraged! I love all the great ideas that are rolling in on how you take care of yourself in the midst of taking care of your family! If you haven’t already, take time to read all the wonderful tips on the March 8 post below. Remember, if you...
We’re within days of the Hearts at Home conference in Bloomington, IL where 5,000 moms will gather March 14-15 to take some time for themselves and attend mommy school! In celebration of this event that helps moms “take care of themselves,” my March...
Today, I’d like to introduce you to two young women who are living ordinary teenage lives and doing something extra-ordinary for God. When I heard about their business, I decided it was something worth sharing! So today I’m interviewing Corinne and Molly...
If you are visiting my blog for the very first time, welcome! A special welcome to Focus on the Family listeners! Here are a few things you might want to know:You can subscribe to the right, if you desire to get a notification when I post something new. If you...
If Evan’s engagment (see below) wasn’t enough news for the week, I have more! I just learned that Focus on the Family will be featuring one of my Hearts at Home keynotes on their daily radio program tomorrow and Wednesday! If you want to catch it, you can...
I’m told that I don’t post often enough so I promise I’ll try to be better in the coming weeks! But you have to remember, it’s Hearts at Home National conference countdown for me so it’s getting a little crazy! By the way, you can still...