Compassion International El Salvador Trip Day 2

I will forever be changed after today.I have never seen such poverty in my entire life. I don’t know that I can even explain what I have seen and experienced. Entire families live in a room the size of my master bathroom. They have so little, yet those with...

We’ve Arrived!

The Hearts at Home Compassion Team L-R: Megan Kaeb, Erica Savage, Jill Savage, Anne (Savage) McClane, Kathy HarperWe’ve arrived in El Salvador! I can’t say it’s been uneventful, however. Right now our luggage is lost, but they believe they’ve...

Heading In Different Directions

This week is a unique week for the Savage family. As I shared last week, today, Erica, Anne, and I along with two Hearts at Home team members are traveling to El Salvador with Compassion, International. As you read this we will most likely be en route somewhere along...

Bungee cord kids

When my friend Susan got to the empty nest season of life, she issued me a warning…”Be careful of those young adult years. That’s when your kids have bungee cords attached to them. They leave…they come home…they leave…they come...

Interview with an author

Several years ago when our oldest son was a high school senior, my husband and I found out he had skipped school. We kept quiet, deciding that we would let him deal with the natural consequences of the school and once he got in trouble at school, we would administer...

Something to think about…

I’ve had the opportunity to go to Poland on two different occasions. The most recent was last spring in a ministry trip I took with my husband. While there, we went to a Holocaust museum and were both profoundly affected.On my first trip to Poland I went with...

Prom Night!

When your son or daughter heads off to their first prom, it’s a stark reminder that they are growing up all too fast. Even though we are homeschooling Erica, she was still able to go to prom with her boyfriend, Kendall.Instead of going out to dinner, they asked...

A Unique Opportunity

One week from today, two Hearts at Home team members and my two daughters and I will have a unique opportunity. We will be traveling with Compassion, International to the country of El Salvador. For the past few years Hearts at Home has partnered with Compassion,...

The Winner Is….

What wonderful ideas have been shared during this contest! I’ve been a penny pincher for many, many years and I learned a ton from so many of you! Thank you for participating in this little online moms group that we have! The winner of our random drawing for...

One More Idea From Me…Anymore From You?

We’re in the last 24 hours of posting your ideas for making ends meet. When you post, don’t forget to include your email address. It just makes it easier for me to contact you if you win the drawing! Today’s hint comes from my friend Teresa. Teresa...