A perfect summer day!

I slathered my boys with sunscreen as soon as we arrived at the pool. Then I put sunscreen on my face, my shoulders, my legs…somewhere along the way I got interrupted and the sunscreen never made it to my arms! I now have lobster arms that are so burnt they are...

Tea Time

I was over at Karen Ehman’s blog and she was interviewing a mom with a tea business. When I posted about my love for tea, I decided it would be a fun thing to share on my blog. I’m not a coffee drinker at all, but I do love tea! It’s one way I pamper...

I’m back!

I’m back! Did you miss me? I have missed you! I have felt so out of touch with everyone because I’ve had my head stuck in a computer! But the book is finally finished. Wahoo!!!!!In the midst of what ended up being a mid-June deadline instead of an early...

Compassion International- 1,000,000th Child Registered!

Compassion International – 1,000,000th Child RegisteredMeet Jeffry. He lives in Nicaragua, and he is Compassion’s 1,000,000 registered child.The difference between a registered child and a sponsored child is that registered children are waiting to be...

Writing, Writing, and More Writing

I apologize for the lack of posts this week. I’m on a deadline for my next book and I’ve been trying very hard to get it finished and sent off before my kids are home for the summer.Alas, today was their last day of school and I’m not done...

Compassion International trip follow up: Do you have enough?

This week I’ve definitely looked at the world through a different lens. After spending a week seeing such poverty and now being back home in my comfortable home and comfortable bed, it’s been hard to wrap my mind around it all.One of our trip leaders said...

My Heart Breaks For The Chapman Family

From The Tennesean:Steven Curtis Chapman’s youngest child died Wednesday afternoon after being struck by a car driven by her teenage brother in the driveway of the family’s Williamson County home.Maria, one of the Christian singer’s six children, was taken by...

Compassion International El Salvador Trip — We’re Home!

We’re home! We all arrived safely home on Friday evening. I was most happy to brush my teeth with tap water instead of bottled water and to actually be able to sit on a toilet seat! Yes, most of the bathrooms had no toilet seats!I promised to post pics from our...

Compassion International El Salvador Day 4

This is a quick post to say all is well. We’ve been going non-stop all day and Erica hasn’t had time to download the photos we took today so I can’t post new pics. But I promise to do so when we get home. We have to leave the hotel at 4am so...

Compassion International El Salvador Trip Day 3

Today was a day of a wide range of emotions. When we arrived at the Project today the children greeted us with signs, song, and music. The Compassion project gives them the ability to learn how to play instruments! After a program by the children, we began to interact...