Our Shared Purpose

Mark: Last Fall, Jill and I were challenged by our friends Greg and Julie Gorman to begin thinking about the core values of our marriage. These are shared values that help us to clarify our shared purpose.  As individuals we may have personal core values that our...

Does Your Marriage Need A Holiday?

Jill: December is a full month for most of us. Shopping. Christmas entertainment and school programs. Holiday parties. Church Programs. Baking. Decorating the tree. Holiday gatherings with extended family. Travel. New Years. Mark: We’re adding a wedding in...

How To Successfully Bake Christmas Cookies With Kids

I’ve been baking cut out cookies with my kids and grandkids for 32 years.  It’s one of my favorite things to do! Several years ago I created a suggested plan for baking cutout cookies with kids of ALL ages. That’s what I’m sharing with you today!...

The Power of Perseverance

I saw the little square notice in our local newspaper. It stated basic information about a college scholarship available for Christian students. I didn’t have anyone in college at the time. My older three were young adults, my younger two were freshman and...

Inspire Speaking Course–Find The Right Payment Option For You!

Are you thinking about the Inspire Speaking Course but not sure you can swing the single payment? We’ve got you covered! Through midnight PST Cyber Monday (November 27) you can sign up with any these options and still grab a significant discount: Save $75 with...

How To Let It Go

Hello Jill and Mark: I need advice on how to learn to “let it go” when it comes to marriage. This is in relation to things like broken promises about household projects and such. I realized this morning that I need to figure out how to let it go. Signed,...

My Breast Cancer Journey

Four years ago this week my life changed when breast cancer became a part of my vocabulary.  It had been a part of my extended family’s vocabulary for some time because my aunt, my mom, and my grandmother had all received breast cancer diagnoses before I did. We...

Are You Looking Through A Lens of Lack?

Jill: It all started with a conversation I had with a friend. We were talking about marriage and the topic turned to sex. In their marriage she has a higher sex drive than her husband. Their physical intimacy happens only 6-8 times a year. This is something that...

Give The Gift of Holiday Freedom

Last year, we didn’t spend Thanksgiving with a single one of our five children.  Did it feel odd? Yes. Was it the best for everyone? We think so. Our oldest daughter and her husband alternate holidays with his family and our family; last year Thanksgiving was with his...

I’m No Longer A Slave To My Schedule

Today’s guest post is brought to us by Jerusha Clark. Jerusha is an author, speaker, wife, and mom.  Her newest book Every Piece of Me: Shattering Toxic Beliefs and Discovering the Real You (Baker, 2017) is a book that reminds us that God never meant for us to...