Four Weeks to A Better Marriage

The FREE 4 week No More Perfect Marriages E-Challenge is here! It’s a great tool that will deepen your intimacy and strengthen your marriage! You can sign up and share with your spouse or both of you can sign up and have them delivered to your individual...

Four Keys to Guide your Child from Lying to Loving the Truth!

Today’s post is provided by Jim and Lynne Jackson. Jim and Lynne are speakers, authors, and parent coaches, with over fifty years of combined professional experience working with children, teens, and families. In 2002 they founded Connected Families to guide...

What’s Your Plan for Investing in Your Marriage in 2017?

Mark: Several years ago Jill and I took a ballroom dancing class. I admit I was NOT excited about this activity. However, I knew it was important for us to do some different activities in order to keep our relationship fresh. I knew we needed to invest intentionally...

What’s Your Plate Size?

Today’s post is a guest post by my friend, Kathi Lipp. Coathored with Cheri Gregory, Kathi’s new book, Overwhelmed: Quiet the Chaos and Restore the Sanity, is a breath of fresh air for those of us who get overwhelmed with all that life requires of us! I...

Are You Making Your Spouse Pay a High Price for Honesty?

Jill: I’ll never forget the night I came to Mark after my evening shift at the dinner theater where I was employed. We’d been married five years and had two kids. I ran a daycare during the day while Mark went to school full-time. Then in the evenings I...

Turn Your Mess Into Your Message

How did you get started speaking and writing? It’s a question I’m asked quite often. Honestly I kind of came in through the back door. I wasn’t looking to speak or write but with the growth of the Hearts at Home conference, I was given the...

The Gift of Peace of Mind

Last weekend I learned about a gift my friend Jody Antrim had given her grown children at Christmas. I loved the idea of it so much that I asked Jody if she would share about it here on my blog! No matter what season of life you’re in, this gift can inspire you...

What Do I Do?

  Mark: When I was a kid, I remember vividly going to a State Park with my mom and step-dad. I ventured out on a path, took a few turns, and ended up lost. I was freaking out trying to find my way back to my family and I couldn’t find the right path home. Finally, I...


We live life better when we live life together. Openly authentic. Incredibly transparent. Masks removed. God often does His best work through the cracks in our lives. We’ve certainly experienced that. That’s why Mark and I hang out here in the blog world...