Dear Jill, I’m emailing because I need prayer and advice and I honestly don’t know who else to turn to. My marriage is good. My spouse is wonderful; however, there’s someone I work with who I really enjoy talking to. I find myself wishing my spouse was more like them....
This may sound crazy, but the holiday season doesn’t have to be a time where you spend a lot of money. It’s true! In our book Living With Less So Your Family Has More, Mark and I share how even though our world often tells us the message that “bigger...
Something you may not know about me is that I’m a foster care Nana! My youngest son and his wife have been foster parents for about two years now, and seeing them walk this journey has helped me learn so much about the foster care community. A lot of us are...
Are you ever overwhelmed by others’ expectations of you? Do you often feel torn in a million different directions as you try to make everyone around you happy? Would you like to live with less overwhelm and more peace and purpose? If you answered yes to any of these...
I was recently reading an article stating that 45% of people in the United States would prefer to skip out on the holidays rather than deal with the stress of it all. Seems crazy, right? But if we think about it, it’s not all that surprising. From family...
Mark and I often get asked a lot of personal questions over social media, through email, or sometimes even in-person. They range from our relationship, marriage, parenting, hobbies, to the more personal side of our lives. So today we are doing something we’ve...
On the podcast, one of my favorite topics to talk about is relationships! Did you know that we were designed to be in relationships? Really! It’s the way that God intended us to do life and something Jesus modeled in His time here on earth. Even though connecting with...
If we’ve been connected for any amount of time, then you likely know how passionate I am about emotional health. As a “thinker” and a former “avoider,” I have finally–late in life–learned the value of feelings and emotion. Being married to someone...
Last fall, Mark and I hiked a trail in the Rockies that was listed as easy. However, we later found out it was mismarked and it was really a moderate 6.5-mile trail! The scenery was beautiful. We saw waterfalls, wildlife, and an alpine lake at the top of the mountain....
I grew up in a loving, Christian home. However, learning about Jesus was primarily done at church. Because of this, I had a foundation of faith, but I really didn’t understand what it meant to have a living faith. When I got to college, my faith moved from...
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I have to work through a process to make peace with my past. I have to ask myself, “How can I make sure I don’t get stuck here? How can I move forward?” Maybe you’ve even felt like parts of your past are looming over you and that...
Dear parent who made a mistake, There’s been something on my mind lately that I’d like to share with you. I don’t know how “big” or “small” the mistake was. I don’t know how deep the roots go on the issue. We could be...
Has the “anger monster” ever shown up at your house? Do you sometimes find that frustration causes you to blow up? And afterward do you struggle with the guilt that often follows that anger? If so, I want you to know that you are not alone and today’s episode is going...
I remember sitting in the church nursery nursing my firstborn. Another mom and I were visiting as we rocked and nursed our little ones. “Are you praying for her future spouse?” the other mom asked me. I was surprised by her question. I had never thought to...
What if we could become experts at seeing joy in the mundane? Think about it. We’d likely learn to see the silver lining in the clouds. We’d identify blessings even in hard seasons. We’d view life through the possibilities rather than through the liabilities. I...
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