What is a crazy dream that God has dropped in your heart? Is there a door that God seems to be opening that you’re afraid to walk through? For many of us, the default answer to dreams or opportunity is, “No.” But today we’re going to explore...
Welcome to another bonus episode of the No More Perfect Podcast! We like to bring you some extra podcast goodness every once in a while that’s quick to listen to and helpful for your life. Just to say thank you! In today’s episode, we’re talking...
Have you ever heard the term “conversational intelligence?” I hadn’t before, but my guest today is an expert in it! Too often, parents of teenagers or young adults miss out on connecting because we aren’t approaching conversations in the right...
Social distancing got many of us out of the “making new friends” habit. To help you get back into the making friends mindset, I’m sharing an excerpt from Chapter 2 of Better Together: Because You’re Not Meant to Mom Alone. Grab your copy! When...
If someone asked if you wanted to make a difference in the world, I imagine your answer would be an enthusiastic, “Yes!” However, the truth is we often get caught up in work demands, home responsibilities, cranky attitudes, challenging people, and exhaustion. All of...
Dale Carnegie says, “You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.” He’s right! I was just talking to my friend Kelsie the other day, and she...
Do you ever find yourself feeling like you don’t measure up? Or like everyone else has it together, but you don’t? Or that you lack confidence? Or even that you are jealous of others? These feelings are actually common and they are tied to insecurities in our...
I wish it wasn’t true, but it is. Addictions are on the rise–from food to prescription drugs to social media–people are finding unhelpful ways to cope. Many people are struggling to say no to the things that ultimately harm themselves and their loved...
On today’s #MarriageMonday, we’re diving into differences! We all have them, but they can move from fascinations while we’re dating to frustrations when we get married. Let’s talk about it! Jill: We’re all different. That’s no...
Dear younger me, We just had another birthday. It’s probably hard for you to believe (it’s hard for me to believe too), but this was number 58! What a life we’ve had so far. I look back at you and think of how much you have left to learn and to...
If you are anything like me, then you long to see Jesus working in the day-to-day, mundane parts of life. But let’s be honest: oftentimes we are so busy and so anxious that it’s hard to see His work around us. While He is at work, the enemy is at work to keep us blind...
Trigger / Content Warning: I want to be sure my listeners are aware that in this episode we will be talking (in general terms) about sexual abuse. This week’s episode will be a little different. My guest is not an author or a speaker, but instead is an everyday...
Can I be honest? As Mark and I were approaching our June wedding almost 39 years ago, I thought everything would just kind of work out. I mean, I knew there would be conflict but we loved each other and were excited to get married, so I figured our differences or...
I have a question for you today: How do you do with incorporating play into your life? If I were to ask myself that question, my honest answer is I don’t do a very good job of making play a part of my life. Sure, when my grandkids are over at my house, I do a pretty...
“Especially when grief is fresh, it is going to sneak up on you.” – Chrystal Evans Hurst Have you ever experienced accumulated grief? This is when you have multiple losses within a short period of time. Maybe you’ve experienced accumulated disappointments...
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