Something to think about…

If your point is right, but the tone of your voice is wrong – then you are wrong and you just missed your opportunity to make your point! I’m working on this… Anyone need to join me?

Hearts at Home: The Go-To Place for Moms!

Did you know that Hearts at Home has other resources to encourage you as a mom?  If you are enjoying my daily blog, you might want to sign up for our monthly e-newsletter called Hearts On-The-Go.  We also have a quarterly newsletter called Hearts On-The-Go for Leaders...

Motivation Monday: Who do you need to forgive?

It’s been said that unforgiveness is like drinking poison and hoping your enemy will die. That’s a very true statement because when we hold onto hurt, it creates bitterness inside of us. Bitterness builds walls between us and God and between us and others....

Motivation Monday: Get some time on the calendar!

Happy Monday! Today’s Motivation Monday challenge is to get a date on the calendar with your spouse. Set the date, arrange the childcare, and make it happen! Remember dates don’t have to cost a lot of money…go to a coffee shop, look at books together...

Book Review: How We Love

Mark and I have been reading a book aloud together.  This is the first time we’ve ever done that! The book we’ve been reading is called How We Love by Milan and Kay Yerkovich.  It has been absolutely fascinating.  We’ve learned so much about how our...

Marriage Monday: The Danger of Mediocrity

A recent study by marriage researcher Paul Amato, determined that up to 60 percent of divorces in the United States stem from “low-conflict” marriage.  There’s no abuse, no addiction, no infidelity, and no major debt.  “Instead,”...

Marriage Monday: Marriage Centered, Not Child Centered

Welcome Focus on the Family and Family Life listeners.  I have the privilege of being featured on both programs today! The Family Life program runs for three days.  It’s a conversation with Dennis Rainey and Bob Lepine about Living With Less So Your Family Has...

Marriage Monday: Rooting out judgment in your marriage

Happy Monday!  I hope you had a good weekend.  We had a great time encouraging couples at Harmony Bible Church in Danville, IA over the weekend! I learned over the weekend that about mid-last week the ability to leave comments on my blog shut down.  (Sometimes...

Marriage Monday: The Element of Surprise

Want to add some fun into your marriage?  Add the element of surprise!  But be careful, you need to first determine just how much your spouse likes surprises! Mark says… In our first year of marriage, I threw a surprise birthday party for Jill.  That’s...

Marriage Monday…What’s really bothering you?

After a three week sabbatical, I’m back!  It was a wonderful three weeks of speaking at the MOPS convention, moving Erica back to Texas, volunteering for a day in Joplin, and getting my boys started in school.  It was a good break…but I did miss hanging...

Happy Birthday Mark…and a marriage seminar!

Today is Mark’s birthday so today’s Marriage Monday will be a little different.  I’m going to celebrate who Mark is! But not only that, I’m also going to invite you to a marriage seminar that Mark and I are doing in October.  If you live in...