Today’s Opportunity Plan Day 6

In this unique season of family togetherness, we have the opportunity to be intentional about our self-care, our relationships, and even taking care of the home we live in. Sometimes we need a little vision, though. A plan. Some ideas that get us heading in the right...

Today’s Opportunity Plan Day 5

In this unique season of family togetherness, we have the opportunity to be intentional about our self-care, our relationships, and even taking care of the home we live in. Sometimes we need a little vision, though. A plan. Some ideas that get us heading in the right...

Caring for Caregiving Families

I first learned about Jolene Philo when I was managing the physical and mental health care of our adopted son during his tumultuous teen years. He was in and out of psych wards after multiple suicide attempts and I was exhausted. Jolene’s resources brought hope...

Today’s Opportunity Plan Day 4

In this unique season of family togetherness, we have the opportunity to be intentional about our self-care, our relationships, and even taking care of the home we live in. Sometimes we need a little vision, though. A plan. Some ideas that get us heading in the right...

Today’s Opportunity Plan Day 3

In this unique season of family togetherness, we have the opportunity to be intentional about our self-care, our relationships, and even taking care of the home we live in. Sometimes we need a little vision, though. A plan. Some ideas that get us heading in the right...

Today’s Opportunity Plan Day 2

I introduced the concept of “Today’s Opportunity Plan” in yesterday’s post. If you missed it, you can find it here. Your soul: Read Isaiah 40:29-31. Write it on a piece of paper or an index card and post it where you can see it regularly. ...

Today’s Opportunity Plan Day 1

Okay friends, it’s time for strategy. We can look at our circumstances as a frustration or a fascination. We can see it as a liability or an opportunity.   I’m choosing opportunity and I want to help you do the same!   We have the opportunity to be...

Empty Nest, Marriage, and Loving Your LGBTQ Kids

In the Spring of 2020 I had the opportunity to share three programs on Family Life radio. We talked about three different subject on the three days of programming: empty nest, marriage, and loving your LGBTQ+ kids. If you’d like more information about any of...

8 Secret Weapons You Need to Travel on a Budget

This post may contain affiliate links. You can read my disclosure policy here. Mark and I just got back from visiting our son in Australia and we spent less than $120 each on our airfare! When Evan moved there in 2018, he was going to just stay a year, so we didn’t...

Five Ways to Grow A Grateful Child

Let’s face it, most kids have a “gimme” attitude. That’s just a natural part of the human condition AND it’s fertilized by the consumer mindset of the media and the world around us. What that means is that we have to do what we can to...

My Book Gift Guide

There’s nothing better than giving a gift that’s a perfect match for someone! Because there are so many great deals on books right now, I thought I’d share a book gift guide that you might find helpful! These are organized/grouped by categories in...

Unity in the Caregiving Family

Kathy Howard calls herself a “confused southerner.” Raised in Louisiana, she moved with her engineer husband around the U.S. and Canada. She says “pop” instead of “Coke” and “you guys” as often as “y’all.” But she’s still a southern girl at heart!  Kathy encourages...

When A Loved One Needs Your Care

When I was growing up, my Dad’s uncle lived with us for several months during my teen years. My grandparents also cared for two men in their home who had no extended family. “Shorty” and “Mr. Lewis” became members of our family in a way....

Keep Your Brave On Under Pressure

Today’s post is brought to us by Janet Thompson. Janet is an international speaker, freelance editor, and award-winning author of 20 books. As the founder of Woman to Woman Mentoring and About His Work Ministries,  Janet’s passion is to mentor other women...

Mom Grief and the Empty Nest

It had been the last summer with everyone home. Our eldest was in Mexico for her first week as a missionary. Our second oldest was back on campus for his senior year of college. Our college freshman was settling into his first week at the university, and our youngest,...