I was over at Karen Ehman’s blog and she was interviewing a mom with a tea business. When I posted about my love for tea, I decided it would be a fun thing to share on my blog. I’m not a coffee drinker at all, but I do love tea! It’s one way I pamper...
I’ve had the opportunity to go to Poland on two different occasions. The most recent was last spring in a ministry trip I took with my husband. While there, we went to a Holocaust museum and were both profoundly affected.On my first trip to Poland I went with...
I apologize for my delay in posting. Mark and I and our two youngest kids were in a traffic accident this week. Someone ran a stopsign and broadsided us. We’re all ok, but very sore. Unfortunately our van didn’t fare so well. They had to tow it away and...
Girls, I am loving these great ideas! Today’s suggestion for making ends meet is to plan meals. I find when I plan my meals, I use my food more wisely, and we are tempted to eat out less! I’ve gone through different phases of meal planning. When my kids...
Do you have a daughter in 6th through 12 grade? Want to take your daughter to a great conference for teen girls? Check out Meant for More ’08: Meant For More ’08What: Meant For More ’08 Young Women’s ConferenceWho: Young Women (6th to 12th...
Today, I’d like to introduce you to two young women who are living ordinary teenage lives and doing something extra-ordinary for God. When I heard about their business, I decided it was something worth sharing! So today I’m interviewing Corinne and Molly...
It’s spring in the Savage home! Yes, there’s snow outside, but inside there are flowers!Several years ago a friend showed me how to grow paperwhite bulbs in a jar of water and rocks. You just put river rocks in a jar and place the bulbs on the rocks. Then...
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