When I started the No More Perfect Podcast in June 2020, I have to admit: I was a little nervous. I had taught at conferences, written books, and been interviewed over the years. However, having a podcast of my own was a new thing for me!
As we close out 2022, I just want to say thank you for all your support of this podcast over the past two-and-a-half years! As this year finishes, we’ve shared a total of almost 130 episodes and are nearing 200,000 downloads. (How crazy is that!?) It is SO meaningful to me that I get to communicate and connect with you in this way. I am eager to share more conversations next year!
If you ever experienced Hearts at Home conferences, I want you to know that I believe the No More Perfect Podcast is Hearts at Home for a new generation. If you know someone who used to go to Hearts at Home, will you make sure you let them know about the podcast? And if you have a friend who would benefit from the episodes, would you share it with them?
At the end of the year, it’s fun to look back and see which episodes and topics connected the most. Today I wanted to share the Top 5 from 2022 and a couple that continued to make the top list from last year as well. These would be great conversations to check out or revisit (if you’ve already listened) in-between your holiday celebrations!
(New to the podcast? You can find all the episodes here, and you can listen by searching “No More Perfect Podcast” on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or another of your favorite podcast platforms.)
Here are our Top 5 episodes from 2022:
#1: What is a Love Style? with Milan & Kay Yerkovich | Episode 108
Have you ever heard of Love Styles? This isn’t Love Languages. It’s something very different.
Our Love Styles are formed in primary attachment, like our childhood home and family, and they become more evident in later connections, such as in marriage or parenting. When we understand our Love Style, we can heal from our past wounds, repair painful relating patterns, and rebuild our relationships in healthy ways.
In this episode we talk about love styles in general as well as how they play out in the marriage relationship, but even if you’re not married I want to encourage you to listen in because you have a love style you need to be aware of!
Milan and Kay Yerkovich, experts on attachment and best-selling authors, are our guests for this episode. Our marriage was transformed in large part through their book, How We Love, which uncovers unhelpful relating patterns formed in childhood that we carry over into our relationships in adulthood.
#2: Finding the Hero in Your Husband with Dr. Juli Slattery | Episode 74
“I asked God, ‘What does it mean for me to trust my husband’s leadership when I feel like I’m more equipped to lead than he is?’” – Dr. Juli Slattery
That quote was a powerful question Dr. Juli Slattery asked in our 2nd most popular episode this year.
Over the years of coaching couples, Mark and I have learned that we aren’t the only people who have struggled with what’s often called the “Strong Woman, Silent Man” dynamic.
Dr. Juli Slattery joined me for this conversation. Dr. Slattery is a psychologist, author, and speaker with over 25 years of experience counseling, discipling, and teaching women. She is also the president and co-founder of Authentic Intimacy, a unique ministry that is devoted to teaching God’s design for intimacy and sexuality.
#3: What Broken Trust Looks Like Outside of Infidelity | Episode 90
Did you know that there are more ways to break trust in a marriage than infidelity? In this episode, my hubby, Mark, joined me to explore a topic we deal with a lot in our marriage coaching: broken trust.
While infidelity certainly is something that will significantly break trust, it’s important that we understand the other ways trust can be broken in a marriage. It’s not uncommon in our marriage intensives to help a couple understand that they’re dealing with an issue of broken trust, and placing the correct label on what’s causing disconnection is such an eye-opener that helps them move closer towards healing.
#4: How to Improve Conversations With Your Teens and Young Adults with Patti Reed | Episode 88
Have you ever heard the term “conversational intelligence?” I hadn’t before, but my guest in this episode is an expert in it! Too often, parents of teenagers or young adults miss out on connecting because we aren’t approaching conversations in the right way. We have a tendency to lecture rather than listen, to tell rather than ask, or be controlling rather than curious. I know that last one has often been me as a parent!
My friend, Patti Reed, joins me in this episode. Patti is a certified coach in Conversational Intelligence®️ and is passionate about helping others improve their relationships through intentional communication. Her book, Face to Face, helps parents approach conversations with their children with courage and intentionality to forge a healthy relationship with them.
#5: Doing Life With Your Adult Kids with Jim Burns | Episode 107
It can be hard to transition from actively parenting your children to doing life alongside them once they become adults. Whether you are quickly approaching this season or are currently in it, I want you to know that you can experience a richer, deeper, more fulfilling life (and relationship with your kids) than ever before.
My guest in this episode, Jim Burns, not only writes and speaks on strong marriages, confident parenting, and empowering kids, but he is also the author of Finding Joy in the Empty Nest and Doing Life With Your Adult Children. Jim is passionate about combining his personal experience of becoming an empty-nester with extensive research to help others navigate their own journey into this new stage of life.
Episodes from this year weren’t the only ones that made the top episode list, though! Here are a couple older episodes that continue to be some of my most listened-to conversations:
An Honest Conversation About Sex with Jennifer Degler | Episode 25
Are you and your husband at opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to sexual desire? Do you argue over the frequency of sex? Is physical intimacy the last thing on your priority list but you don’t know how to even start making a change? If so, today’s conversation is for you.
I love the practical, open, and honest approach Dr. Jennifer brings to the topic of sex, and I know this conversation is a support for you and your marriage.
Recognizing and Replacing the Five R’s That Destroy Relationships with PeggySue Wells | Episode 66
On the podcast, one of my favorite topics to talk about is relationships! Did you know that we were designed to be in relationships? Really! It’s the way that God intended us to do life and something Jesus modeled in His time here on earth. Even though connecting with others is so important, relationships can also be one of the most challenging parts of life.
While we can’t control others, there is always room for us to grow and improve how we approach the relationships in our life. That’s what we’re talking about in this episode!
Helping me explore this topic is PeggySue Wells, an author, speaker, and coach. She is the best-selling author of 30 books. On top of that, she’s a single mom of 7 kids! Whew! Like me, PeggySue has a passion for helping people improve their relationships.
Thank you, my friend, for joining me in podcast-land!
Mark and I hope you have a very Merry Christmas! We’ll be traveling to Australia to spend the holidays with our son Evan, who lives there. While that required us to adjust some traditions and plans with the rest of our family, we are grateful for the time away to refresh and connect.
We’ll see you in 2023!