The 12 Days of Christmas Break–Day 7

It’s “Pull out the Photo Album Day!” Pull out the old scrapbooks and photo albums….or in my case, the shoeboxes/drawers of pictures!  This is a great activity for both kids and teens!  Enjoy the memories! – -It’s time for a “Thank You Note” party! Write...

The 12 Days of Christmas Break–Day 6

Make birdseed treats for the birds, spreading pine cones with peanut butter, seeds, etc Offer to help Grandma, an older neighbor, a widow, or someone who’s been sick to put away their Christmas decorations or accomplish a task they’d like to get done. Give your teens...

The 12 Days of Christmas Break–Day 5

Encourage your kids/teens to create a mini-movie. Use a video camera or cell phone to record it and watch it!  You can even upload it to YouTube to share with family and friends. Call ten people you know and ask them for their favorite joke, then write a book/color...

The 12 Days of Christmas Break–Day 4

If there’s no snow on the ground where you live and if you have stairs in your house, make paper box sleds and allow your kids to slide down the stairs!  They’ll think you’re the coolest mom in the world! Ask your kids: Where would you like to go ANYWHERE in the world...

The 12 Days of Christmas Break–Day 3

Have your kids help you go through digital photos (or printed ones) of the year. Make a year in review slide show that you post online for friends and family to see. Go camping…erect a massive fort in your living or family room, big enough so you can fit in...

The 12 Days of Christmas Break–Day 2

Today is a great day to make Gingerbread Houses (with graham crackers).   This can become a tradition for your family.  One mom said, “As the kids have gotten older, they invite their friends over and the houses have become more advanced…..they now have...

The 12 Days of Christmas Break

My boys have been home one full day and it’s obvious this momma is going to have to be intentional to keep them from moaning “I’m bored,” playing too many hours of video games, or watching too much television. I’ve decided to do something...

Life Lessons

A friend recently heard a mom teaching her little guy about forgiveness as they were waiting outside a neighbor’s house for a play date. Apparently there was a communication mix up and her son was mighty disappointed that he’d been stood up. Mom was right there,...

Happy 21st Birthday, Erica!

It was 21 years ago today, at 4:47am, that I gave birth to our third child.  Erica Lynne Savage was our Christmas baby. Now she’s married and living in Texas with her husband Kendall who is serving in the Army. She loves photography, canning, cooking, and has...

Friday’s Quote of the Week

“As parents, it’s important that we allow our children to experience the consequences for a poor choice.  Resist rescue.”  ~Kendra Smiley

Blog Hop: My Mothering Community

It’s the Third Thursday Blog Hop where once a month you can “hop” around to different mom blogs to find encouragement on the topic of the month.  Today’s topic is “When did you realize that you weren’t on your own in this journey...

Hearts at Home: The Go-To Place for Moms!

Did you know that Hearts at Home has other resources to encourage you as a mom?  If you are enjoying my daily blog, you might want to sign up for our monthly e-newsletter called Hearts On-The-Go.  We also have a quarterly newsletter called Hearts On-The-Go for Leaders...

Motivation Monday: Who do you need to forgive?

It’s been said that unforgiveness is like drinking poison and hoping your enemy will die. That’s a very true statement because when we hold onto hurt, it creates bitterness inside of us. Bitterness builds walls between us and God and between us and others....

Mommy Manners

One of the responsibilities of parenting is teaching our children manners. These are the “pleases” and “thank yous” of life that lay the foundation for interpersonal relationship skills that they’ll use throughout adulthood. However, learning manners isn’t just for...