What Does Surrender Look Like? | Episode 161

In our journey through life, we tend to think of surrender as a negative thing. For instance if I surrender, I’ll be taken prisoner in some way. Our American culture even teaches us to value our freedom and independence above all else. However, the reality is...

What I’m Reading Lately

I just love reading! It’s one of my favorite activities to unwind, learn, and remind myself of God’s truth. My Amazon wishlist is full of new book titles I can’t wait to dive into and I’m hard-pressed to leave a bookstore empty-handed when I get the chance to browse...

The Secret Power of Kindness with Greg Atkinson | Episode 159

As marriage coaches, one of the things that we see missing from so many significant relationships is kindness. It may seem like a simple thing, but the truth is, the more comfortable we get in a relationship, the more we forget to offer kindness to one another. That...

Happily Even After with Bob and Dannah Gresh | Episode 158

Is “happily ever after” a myth or reality? Unfortunately, most couples don’t ride off into the sunset after their honeymoon. Marriage is hard, and maybe you are in a place where you feel that today. Our guests, Bob and Dannah Gresh, have been there....

6 Common Things We Hear in Marriage Coaching | #MarriageMonday

Mark: Jill and I developed our marriage ministry because we wanted to use our own marriage pain and healing work to help others, and boy did we get a huge number of requests once we started offering marriage coaching. Jill: You know, we’ve received hundreds of...

Dear Frustrated: When You Want to Change Your Spouse

Dear Mark and Jill,  I don’t like to be late to anything, and especially not to church. When I realize we’ll be late, my energy is zapped, I get frustrated and shut down. My spouse, on the other hand, is less concerned with being on time. This has been a...