When Your Heart Breaks for Your Child

Dear fellow parent, Today I want to share a letter with you for those days when the weight of your heart feels heavy for your children. For the days when you can’t help but feel like their life is turning out in heartbreaking ways. For the days when the...

Overcoming Father Wounds with Kia Stephens | Episode 167

I am a girl who had a daddy who loved her like Jesus loves us. My dad passed away almost four years ago, and although he wasn’t perfect, he exuded Christ in his daily life and it showed in the way he expressed his love for me. Not everyone has a good relationship or...

7 Negative Actions That Can Hurt Your Marriage | #MarriageMonday

Mark: When Jill and I look back at what contributed to the dark season in our marriage, we found that it wasn’t the big things that made a difference. It was actually the little things that simmered under the surface. These things began an unraveling that gained...

3 Perfect Fall Recipes You Should Try

One of my favorite summer activities is gardening! It’s become one of my favorite empty nest hobbies to watch the plants and flowers bloom and grow. They make the perfect backdrop while enjoying summer evenings on our porch. Now that the seasons are changing,...

Conflict and Clean-Up in Relationships | Episode 165

When it comes to conflict in relationships, things can get messy. It doesn’t matter if it’s a marriage relationship, a parent-child relationship, or even a friendship. Conflict has a way of dividing and destroying if we don’t have the necessary skills to repair...

Fashion and Faith with Shari Braendel | Episode 164

I would be what some people call “fashion-challenged.” I seriously need something like Garanimals for adults. For those that aren’t familiar with Garanimals, it is a mix-and-match clothing brand for children where every piece of clothing matches using animal icons....

6 Tips for Launching Your Adult Children

As our kids launch into adulthood and start taking control over their own life decisions, it can be tempting to “open the wisdom floodgates” and try to cram for their entrance into the world. We start thinking of all the things we haven’t taught them yet. Are they...

Your Words Matter with Sarah Molitor | Episode 163

You have heard me say it before and I’m going to say it again—words matter, a lot! If there is anything Mark and I see in our marriage coaching time and time again, it’s couples misusing their words with each other. It isn’t only couples, though. We all need to learn...