Fall in Love with God’s Word with Brittany Ann | Episode 28

Does reading the Bible excite you or intimidate you? Is it something you look forward to or feel obligated to do? Do you struggle to find the time to make it a consistent priority? Honestly, I’ve felt all those things and more! There are seasons of life when I...

The Way Out of Burnout with Deanna Mason | Episode 27

Are you feeling like you’re at the end of yourself? Does it feel like there’s not enough of you to go around? Do you sometimes feel like you’re not able to find success in each area of your life? If you answered yes to any of those questions, you...

Thriving in Love and Money with Shaunti Feldhahn | Episode 26

Do love and money clash in your marriage? Is this just a subject you tend to avoid? If so, you’re not alone! It’s actually rather common for couples to experience frustrations around this topic. Today on the podcast, I’m so excited to welcome my...

An Honest Conversation About Sex with Jennifer Degler | Episode 25

A heads-up: As the title of the episode suggest, we’ll be talking openly about sex in this conversation. If you’re around little ears in any way, you’ll probably want to use headphones. 🙂 Are you and your husband at opposite ends of the spectrum when...

The Gifts You Need to Give ALL YEAR! | Episode 24

True confession: I have a love/hate relationship with Christmas. It’s true. I LOVE celebrating the birth of Jesus! I love being reminded of the real reason for the season. I love the Christmas lights and the Christmas carols that tell the story of the birth of...

The Gift of Mental Health with Michelle Nietert | Episode 23

Is it possible to have a restful holiday season? It is if you learn to give yourself and others the gift of mental health. Too often mental health is viewed from a negative perspective instead of a positive one. In the same way that we need to pursue physical health,...

Are You Spiritually Fit? | Episode 22

In the past ten years I’ve walked through a breast cancer diagnosis and 8 months of treatment, my husband’s infidelity, and our adopted son’s mental health issues which included several suicide attempts. There were many days I just wanted to pull the...

Crushing the Mom Clichés with Becky Baudouin | Episode 21

“Enjoy every minute because the time goes so fast!” Every mother of young children has been offered this advice. Yet for moms in the thick of it, this advice is neither realistic nor attainable. A tired, overwhelmed mom can easily internalize these well-intentioned...

How to Love Someone Who’s Hard to Love | Episode 20

Do you have someone in your life who’s difficult to love? It might be a sister-in-law, a sibling, a friend, neighbor, or co-worker. It could be a hard family season and your hard-to-love person is your spouse or even one of your children. When our marriage went...