How To Reduce Conflict In Your Marriage | Episode 206

I have my hubby, Mark, with me this week for a conversation on conflict in marriage. Now, conflict is inevitable when you live in close quarters with someone, but even more so when you merge lives together! How you approach life can rub up against the way your spouse...

How Childhood Impacts Your Marriage | #MarriageMonday

Jill: What we learn from childhood can stick with us even up to our adulthood and affect how we behave in marriage. In our formative years, we develop our belief system, our view of the world, and the means by which we cope in times of stress. Mark: As we meet with...

Letting Go of Expectations for Your Adult Children

Dear Jill, Our adult child has been out of the house for just a few short months. I’ve tried to offer all my wisdom and give advice so they are well-prepared to handle the world on their own. I’m so afraid that they will make a mistake or not be able to find a good...

What Is a 2.0 Life? | Episode 204

As we start into our fifth year of the podcast, you’ll start hearing a shoutout at the beginning of each episode. This is an opportunity for us to celebrate our listeners, and specifically the transformation and celebrations in your life. Want to reach out to...

Grieve, Breathe, Receive with Steve Carter | Episode 203

As we start into our fifth year of the podcast, you’ll start hearing a shoutout at the beginning of each episode. This is an opportunity for us to celebrate our listeners, and specifically the transformation and celebrations in your life. Want to reach out to...

10 Ways to Connect With Your Spouse This Summer | #MarriageMonday

Jill: Can you believe that summer is here? The days are getting longer and hotter, and our summer calendar is already starting to fill up with baseball games, pool parties for the grandkids, and projects around our 100-year-old farmhouse. Mark: Despite a busy...

What 18 Moms Wish They Knew Before Launching Adult Children

Launching adult children is hard. It can feel like a part of you is walking right out of the house and into the world. As moms, our minds race with all the things that we didn’t teach them, all the crafts we didn’t make, all the times we weren’t patient, all the...