Replacing Lies with Truth

What goes on between our ears can cause us more problems than we even realize. There’s a very good reason the Bible tells us to take every thought captive (2 Corinthians 10:5). Too often, we let our thoughts go out of control, fueling a wildfire of fear and anxiety,...

Lessons Learned in 40 Years of Marriage | Episode 150

You may recall that Mark and I are doing marriage training in Uganda for pastors and their wives. In case you missed it, you can hear the whole story here in Episode 135: To Uganda with Love. To make sure you continue to receive encouragement and value for your...

BONUS: Pray, Don’t Say | Episode 149

Welcome to another bonus episode of the No More Perfect Podcast! We like to surprise you every once in a while with some quick and helpful podcast goodness, just for you. Thank you for being here! In this episode, Mark and I discuss the powerful principle of...

A Mom Is Born with Rachael Elmore | Episode 148

When a little one enters the world, there is a balance that needs to be struck between taking care of baby and taking care of mom. I know each time we added a new little one to our family, I had to figure out that balance all over again. Whether you are a new mom or a...

7 Questions to Ask Your Spouse Approaching Summer | #MarriageMonday

Jill: You know, summer is one of my favorite seasons. The sun is out, I get to tend to my garden, and I love getting to enjoy time with our grandchildren while they are on school break. Mark: I do as well. Along with summer, though, comes busy schedules, BBQs to...

How Emotions Might Be Running Your Life

Did you know that the average person has 48 thoughts every minute? If you add that up, you could be thinking over 70,000 thoughts in a day! There is an endless amount of thoughts and emotions that take up space in our brain and impact how we respond to others. This...