My Long-Distance Friends

Last week Mark and I had the opportunity to spend a whole 48 hours in Orlando, Florida at a church planting conference. While there I had the opportunity to have dinner with long-distance friends Nancy (left) and Doris (middle). Nancy and Doris used to live in...

My "Dig Me Out" Friends

Everyone needs a friend or two who you can allow to see the “less than ideal” side of you. My friends Becky, Tonya, and Diane are those friends. Being the CEO of Hearts at Home could be a full-time job if I let it be. But I’m unwilling to do that....

My friend Becky

My friend Becky is a cheerleader! She is faithful in cheering me when life is good and when life is hard. She’s also a prayer warrior. When Becky says she will pray…I know she means it. Becky and I live about 30 minutes from each other so we don’t...

Friday’s Quote of the Week

“Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But for children, play is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood.”~Fred Rogers

Wednesday’s Words of Encouragement

The ABC’s of a Healthy MarriageBy Jill SavageIt’s been twenty-two years since Mark and I said, “I do”. We promised to love, honor, and cherish one another. We promised “for better or for worse”. We were so in love. We were ready to...

My friend Amy

My friend Amy is like an adopted aunt to my children. Amy and I met at church. She’s single and lives away from extended family so she’s become a member of our extended family. Amy and I have helped each other out on home projects. We’ve taken care...

My friend Crystal

My friend Crystal is my walking buddy. She’s also the closest thing to a neighbor that I have. When we first moved to the country, the subdivision I now see out my western windows didn’t even exist. Now I have “neighbors” about a half mile...

"The Friendship Factor" February Discussion and Giveaway

The past few years I’ve done a makeover in my girlfriend relationships. I went through a dark time where I didn’t pursue friendships because of wounds from the past. “I’ve been hurt too many times,” I reasoned. Being a pastor’s wife...

Announcing Upcoming Online "Real Moms Real Jesus" Book Discussion

I’m excited to announce my first online book discussion! Because there are so many wonderful friends out there in the bloggy world, I think we can have a fabulous book discussion on my new book Real Moms…Real Jesus. I’m planning on starting Tuesday,...

Hearts at Home Blog

I’ve posted over at the Hearts at Home blog a couple of times this week. Click here to check them out! One is a regular post and the other is a video post. I’ve also got a Valentine’s article posted on the Hearts at Home website. You’ll find...

Sometimes you just want to cry…

If you were planning on joining us for our live webcast tonight, you know that things didn’t go as planned. We were ready…but it seems the computers and the webcasting program couldn’t handle the almost 700 people who were joining us. When you work...

Wednesday’s Words of Encouragement

The Urgent vs. the ImportantBy Jill SavageWe’re in a solitaire playoff at the Savage household. I recently taught my youngest two sons to play solitaire and now it is their card game of choice. Last night they asked if we could play a couple of games before bedtime....

Real Moms, Real Lives, Real Stories

This real mom, real story comes from my friend MarLo who shared this on her blog. I thought her perspective was incredibly valuable for any parent and I asked her if I could share it with you. May you be encouraged by her words today:My six-year-old daughter had her...

Hearts at Home Best Value Registration Deadline

The Best Value Registration deadline for the March 13-14, National Hearts at Home conference is coming up this Wednesday, Feb 4. This guarantees a personalized workshop schedule, a box lunch, and the lowest conference fee available of $80. If you’ve never joined...