How to Create a God Box

In the Bible, there’s a story I love in Joshua 3-4. I encourage you to read those chapters if you’re not familiar with the story, but to make it easy, here’s a short version: For many years, God had been leading the nation of Israel to the Promised...

When You Were Jesus To Me with Cheri Keaggy | Episode 96

Today’s episode is probably one of my favorite interviews I’ve ever done, and it was honestly pretty emotional for me. During our dark season of marriage, Cheri Keaggy’s music was a comfort to my heart. You see, music is a powerful delivery truck for truth for...

Marching Orders for an Empty Nest Mama

Today’s article is an adapted excerpt from Empty Nest, Full Life: Discovering God’s Best for Your Next. Grab your copy here! As we launch into a new season of life, it’s always a good time for us to consider how well we’re doing in stewarding what...

When You’re Misunderstood with Mary DeMuth | Episode 94

Most of us have experienced being misunderstood at some point in our lives. Honestly, it has happened to me more times than I can count and each time it is simply heartbreaking. This often looks like being misheard, mischaracterized, or misrepresented by family,...

What Broken Trust Looks Like Outside of Infidelity | Episode 90

Did you know that there are more ways to break trust in a marriage than infidelity? Today, I have my hubby, Mark, joining me on the show, and we are going to be launching into a topic that we often explore in our marriage coaching: broken trust. While infidelity...

An Open Letter to the Person Struggling with Valentine’s Day

Dear Friend, In February of 2012, Valentine’s Day was anything but enjoyable for me. Twelve days earlier, my husband had left and my world was turned upside down. Not only that, but infidelity was a part of why he left, so there was a double-whammy on my heart....

14 Life Lessons Learned From a Difficult Hike

Last fall, Mark and I hiked a trail in the Rockies that was listed as easy. However, we later found out it was mismarked and it was really a moderate 6.5-mile trail! The scenery was beautiful. We saw waterfalls, wildlife, and an alpine lake at the top of the mountain....

Taming the Anger Monster | Episode 62

Has the “anger monster” ever shown up at your house? Do you sometimes find that frustration causes you to blow up? And afterward do you struggle with the guilt that often follows that anger? If so, I want you to know that you are not alone and today’s episode is going...