Today we’re talking about friendships. Have you ever struggled to find close girlfriends? Have you always felt on the outside of girlfriend groups? Do you have a group of friends that needs to be more intentional about getting together. If you said yes to any of...
Several years ago, I had the opportunity to travel to London, England. While there, I used the Underground (subway) for all my transportation. Every time I would get on or off the Underground, a voice would come on and say, “Mind the gap. Mind the gap.” I soon...
It is possible to live a healthy lifestyle, and I want to share my journey with you today. In 2013, a breast cancer diagnosis turned my world upside down. Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation did a number on my body. So when I got to the other side of my treatment, I...
Are you too stressed to enjoy life? If so, you will want to listen to this episode. There is a message that I’ve said over and over throughout the years (and that I’ve had to learn myself), and it is that self-care is not selfish. In order to be great moms,...
Did you know that, in the Bible, Jesus said it would be “better for us” for Him to leave earth so that we can receive the Holy Spirit? It’s true! The Holy Spirit has carried me through so much. It’s no secret that I’ve experienced some challenges in...
For this week’s #MarriageMonday, we are looking at the God-tool of acceptance, one of the God-tools we cover in No More Perfect Marriages. When we use our God-tool of acceptance, it’s actually a gift to our spouse because we’re letting them be...
What do you talk to yourself about the most? Do you feel like you’re internally comparing your kids with others in their class? Do you reflect on frustrations with your spouse? Do you just try to mentally “check out” after days that feel too busy?...
A little over eight years ago when I finished my breast cancer treatment, my doctor told me I had three jobs to do my part in staying cancer free: maintain a healthy weight, exercise daily, and eat nutritionally. I was highly motivated and this launched me into a new...
Our thoughts are powerful. I remember the thoughts that caused me to leave my marriage eleven years ago. Those same thoughts fueled the affair I was having. And I’m reminded of those messages every time I spend time with a guy in crisis, because what he’s...
Today’s episode is a major wisdom download for all of us! If you are like me, you love to learn from others who have walked the path before you and can offer advice from their experience. Well, I was talking with my friend Danna, who turned 70 this year, and she...