Lessons Learned in 40 Years of Marriage | Episode 150

You may recall that Mark and I are doing marriage training in Uganda for pastors and their wives. In case you missed it, you can hear the whole story here in Episode 135: To Uganda with Love. To make sure you continue to receive encouragement and value for your...

BONUS: Pray, Don’t Say | Episode 149

Welcome to another bonus episode of the No More Perfect Podcast! We like to surprise you every once in a while with some quick and helpful podcast goodness, just for you. Thank you for being here! In this episode, Mark and I discuss the powerful principle of...

A Mom Is Born with Rachael Elmore | Episode 148

When a little one enters the world, there is a balance that needs to be struck between taking care of baby and taking care of mom. I know each time we added a new little one to our family, I had to figure out that balance all over again. Whether you are a new mom or a...

A Mother’s Touch with Elise Arndt | Episode 146

Many years ago when I was a young mom, I read two books that I had actually just picked off the shelf at a Christian bookstore. Those two books absolutely changed my life and my mothering—A Mother’s Touch and A Mother’s Time—and the author was Elise Arndt. To say that...

Soul Shift with Rachel Macy Stafford | Episode 145

We live in an age of an endless and overwhelming amount of information. Whether or not we realize it, it can start to take a toll on us. It can begin to affect our personal well-being and create depletion, exhaustion, impatience, and it can bring out versions of...

Redefining Your Second Half of Life with Dawn Barton | Episode 144

As I talk to women in the second half of their lives, I often run into the belief that the most meaningful moments of life are behind them. But what if the most meaningful moments of life are really yet to come? I talk about this in my Empty Nest, Full Life book. This...

Love is a Choice with Dr. Gary Chapman | Episode 143

If there is one principle I have learned in nearly 40 years of marriage, it’s the principle that love is a choice. It’s a decision. It is not a feeling. Dr. Gary Chapman believes that as well because Love Is a Choice is the name of his newest book. Dr. Gary Chapman is...

The Essentials of Affair Recovery | Episode 141

Our marriage went off the tracks in 2011, when Mark was in a full-on midlife crisis, affair included. It would take us two years to move from being on the verge of divorce to a healed and improved Mark & Jill 2.0. I wouldn’t wish anyone to go through infidelity;...

BONUS: Reflection, Not Rejection | Episode 140

Welcome to another bonus episode of the No More Perfect Podcast! We love surprising you with extra podcast content that’s super practical and beneficial for your life – it’s our way of saying thank you! Mark is joining me as we dive into the often...

Cleaning Out the Clutter with Crystal Larkin | Episode 139

Are you an innie or an outie? We’re not talking bellybuttons here; we are talking about how you deal with clutter. Innies tend to “file,” while outies tend to “pile.” I am naturally an outie, so I tend to pile, and that led to some...

Handling Destructive Relationships with Leslie Vernick | Episode 138

For those of us who are married, we would testify that there are times when marriage is hard. There are ups and downs and challenges that we face while learning how to blend two lives into one. You may often hear Mark and I talk about that in this space. Relationships...

Igniting Hope with Kelley Tyan | Episode 137

I’ve got a question for you: What happens when life hits you hard? Do you crawl inside yourself and hide? Do you throw your hands up and give up? Or do you wipe yourself off and get back up again? In this episode, I am talking about resilience, and to help me do that...

Learning to Adjust to Your New Now with Nicki Koziarz | Episode 136

Life transitions can be tricky. There are hard changes that we don’t see coming and then there are welcome changes that we also have to navigate. Change in general can bring a flood of conflicting feelings from joy and delight to vulnerability, fear, and anxiety. As...