No marriage is perfect. But every marriage can get better.
In No More Perfect Marriages, Mark and Jill speak honestly about their struggles, how they came back from betrayal, and the principles keeping their marriage strong today. They guide you in everything you need to know to kick the Perfection Infection right out and return to intimacy.
In their warm, honest, personable style, Jill and Mark discuss:
→How the Perfection Infection invades a marriage–even a good marriage
→How to detect and correct the Seven Slow Fades
→How to set and communicate realistic expectations
→What to do if your spouse just won’t change
→How to guard your marriage from the Perfection Infection for good
Hurting marriages can heal, and good marriages can become great. It takes work, yes, but No More Perfect Marriages will give you the insights, language, and roadmap you need for the journey. So start today.
A Crucial Ingredient for Change in Your Marriage | #MarriageMonday
Do you desire for transformation in your marriage? Deeper connection? Better communication? Adjustments in how you parent together? In today's #MarriageMonday, we're sharing one of the most important ingredients of change in a marriage. Mark: You know the old adage,...
What Marriage Means to Me – 39 Years After I Do
When Mark and I first met and fell in love, we were walking on clouds. All it took was one look from the other and we tingled from the ends of our hair to the tips of our toes. We talked for hours about everything and about nothing. Every moment together felt like a...
The #1 Myth About Marriage Seminars | #MarriageMonday
Today I want to let you in on a little secret! I want to tell you the #1 myth people often have about marriage seminars (and honestly, marriage resources in general). But first I'll start with a story... Earlier this spring, we were teaching our No More Perfect...
Great Advice from the Good Book: What Does the Bible Say About Marriage?
Mark and I celebrated 39 years of marriage on June 25! Most of these 39 years have been fabulous. Some have been heart-wrenching. But we cherish each and every one of them, good or bad. Every year that we celebrate our anniversary is a testament to God working inside...
How to Embrace Awkward to See True Change | #MarriageMonday
So often, couples are open to learning about new ways they need to grow and change. However, when it comes to implementing those changes, their interest falls flat. In today's #MarriageMonday, we're exploring why that is and how to change it! Mark: So many of us think...
Affair Recovery: 7 Steps for Finding the Light After Darkness
Infidelity: it’s not something Mark and I ever thought would be part of our story, but it happened to us. And we healed. Now God is allowing us to bring hope and help to those who are walking a similar journey. If you’re here because you’ve discovered that your spouse...
Overcoming Father Wounds with Kia Stephens | Episode 167
I am a girl who had a daddy who loved her like Jesus loves us. My dad passed away almost four years ago, and although he wasn’t perfect, he exuded Christ in his daily life and it showed in the way he expressed his love for me. Not everyone has a good relationship or...
Conflict and Clean-Up in Relationships | Episode 165
When it comes to conflict in relationships, things can get messy. It doesn’t matter if it’s a marriage relationship, a parent-child relationship, or even a friendship. Conflict has a way of dividing and destroying if we don't have the necessary skills to repair it....
Your Words Matter with Sarah Molitor | Episode 163
You have heard me say it before and I’m going to say it again—words matter, a lot! If there is anything Mark and I see in our marriage coaching time and time again, it’s couples misusing their words with each other. It isn’t only couples, though. We all need to learn...
What Does Surrender Look Like? | Episode 161
In our journey through life, we tend to think of surrender as a negative thing. For instance if I surrender, I'll be taken prisoner in some way. Our American culture even teaches us to value our freedom and independence above all else. However, the reality is that...
Lessons Learned in 40 Years of Marriage | Episode 150
You may recall that Mark and I are doing marriage training in Uganda for pastors and their wives. In case you missed it, you can hear the whole story here in Episode 135: To Uganda with Love. To make sure you continue to receive encouragement and value for your...
Love is a Choice with Dr. Gary Chapman | Episode 143
If there is one principle I have learned in nearly 40 years of marriage, it’s the principle that love is a choice. It’s a decision. It is not a feeling. Dr. Gary Chapman believes that as well because Love Is a Choice is the name of his newest book. Dr. Gary Chapman is...