So what happens when you come face-to-face with imperfection in your own life? Do you beat yourself up? Grow defensive? Maybe feel insecure? We all have a story, and today I’m excited to share the story of my guest, Cindy Bultema. Once a young mom who suffered...
Sometimes life is hard. It seems like one challenge follows another. And if we don’t keep our head and our heart in the right place, it’s so easy to slip into living a discouraged and defeated life. Today, I get to share a conversation with someone who truly...
I’ll never forget the groans I heard from my kids on the “screen-free” days we had while they were growing up. In today’s day and age, it’s no secret that most kids have a lot more screen time than they used to. And even as a result of...
“Just a mom?” There’s no such thing. Motherhood isn’t a second-rate occupation. It is a career that can maximize your talents and strengths to their fullest. When you look past the surface of mothering—the endless tasks and frantic pace—to the incredible skills...
So many of us don’t like the story God is writing in our lives. Circumstances that are out of our control often take over our thinking and hold us back. So how do we come to grips with the pieces of our story we wish weren’t there? How do we silence the...
Are you parenting a rebellious teenager? Feeling overwhelmed with the challenges you face every day? Not sure what really is the best way to lead and respond? Then friend, this episode is for you. Ginger Hubbard is the bestselling author of Don’t Make Me Count to...
So how well do you know your kids? I don’t mean their likes or dislikes… I’m talking about how well you know what’s going on inside their head and their heart. No matter their personality, or their age, it’s so important to create a...
Would you like to have a marriage that goes the distance? Are you looking for ways to deepen your connection with your spouse? Or maybe you’re just feeling distance in your marriage, but you’re not quite sure what to do about it? Too many marriages...
Have you missed the workshops at Hearts at Home Conferences? (For those of you who were part of those!) That’s one thing I hear all the time, and to be honest, I do as well. But friends, today’s conversation will feel like a full-blown parenting workshop...
Does reading the Bible excite you or intimidate you? Is it something you look forward to or feel obligated to do? Do you struggle to find the time to make it a consistent priority? Honestly, I’ve felt all those things and more! There are seasons of life when I...
Are you feeling like you’re at the end of yourself? Does it feel like there’s not enough of you to go around? Do you sometimes feel like you’re not able to find success in each area of your life? If you answered yes to any of those questions, you...
Do love and money clash in your marriage? Is this just a subject you tend to avoid? If so, you’re not alone! It’s actually rather common for couples to experience frustrations around this topic. Today on the podcast, I’m so excited to welcome my...
A heads-up: As the title of the episode suggest, we’ll be talking openly about sex in this conversation. If you’re around little ears in any way, you’ll probably want to use headphones. 🙂 Are you and your husband at opposite ends of the spectrum when...